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Truques e Dicas

How to prepare the house for a dinner with friends

Receiving guests at home can seem intimidating, but attention to a few details is enough for any dinner to be a success.

Determining the date, inviting your friends on time and checking if there is space for everyone, defining the menu and ensuring that you don’t forget any ingredient when you go to the supermarket are essential steps.  But for a get-together dinner there are other details to take into consideration.  Most of the action can take place between the kitchen and the living room, however, it is not advisable to forget that the rest of the house also needs care.  Organize the whole house and carry out a general cleaning, providing special attention to the bathroom.  Check that there is toilet paper, change the towels and scent the atmosphere.  These are details that make all the difference!  Another detail is related with creating the environment you want to give to your event.  Decorate the table with fresh flowers, light some scented candles, lower the intensity of the lighting a little to help the guests to relax and prepare a playlist so that you don’t have to worry about the music during the whole night.